We have a strict no discrimination & harassment policy, if you experience or witness any behaviour that doesnt fit in our safer space please inform our crew/club staff immediately and we will intervene!!!
>>Free hearing protection will be avail @ the door<<
Please take care of ourself & your friends: we strongly reccomend moderation with drinks and other substances, parties should be about celebrating community, creativity, music and free expression, there is no such thing as risk-free consumption!!
We have a strict no discrimination & harassment policy, if you experience or witness any behaviour that doesnt fit in our safer space please inform our crew/club staff immediately and we will intervene!!!
Please take care of ourself & your friends: we strongly reccomend moderation with drinks and other substances, parties should be about celebrating community, creativity, music and free expression, there is no such thing as risk-free consumption!!
>>Free hearing protection will be avail @ the door<<
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Privacy policy and terms and conditions apply.